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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions


Q.Is the paint water resistant?

A. I use the finest Angelus Leather Paints which are flexible & water resistant.


Q: Do I need to provide the footwear/jackets/sports jerseys/bags?.

A: I usually provide them, but you are also welcome to do so if you'd prefer.

They do all need to be brand new and unworn/unused.


Q. Can the footwear/jackets/jerseys be cleaned or washed?

A: These items cannot be machine or hand washed, as this could ruin the artwork.

They can be gently wiped with a damp cloth, no detergents.


Q: Is the artwork protected in any way?.

A: My artwork is sealed with a very durable top coat, to keep the artwork looking pristine

I also treat the finished artwork with a water and stain repellant.


Q: Do you recreate a design more than once?

A: All of my custom work is one of a kind, so I do not recreate the same designs exactly. I can however, make a similar design if there is something you particularly like,   whilst ensuring it's still unique.


Q: Are all of your pieces made to wear.

A: Most of the pieces I make are worn, but some people like to collect my art, not for wearing, but to display it.


Q: How long will my order take to paint?.

A: It depends on the design that you choose, and the level of detail in it.

Some customs take a few days, whilst others take a week, and often more.

I will advise you of approximate timelines for your custom, and stay in touch with you throughout the process.


Q: Can you work from low quality images?.

A: No, all reference images provided need to be high quality to enable me to zoom in, and to clearly see all of the details that I need to work from.

I can take a look at any images you have beforehand to ensure that they are high enough quality.  

I can also help to find suitable images if required, no problem at all.


Q: Do you provide sketches beforehand?.

A: No, I work directly onto the shoe, jacket, or bag.

I can try and incorporate any specific wishes, and can provide progress images/updates throughout if required.

When I've completed your design, I provide images for you to approve.

I will ensure that you have a one of kind, very special design at the end of the project.


Q: Do you offer returns/refunds on custom painted items?.

A: As all of my custom artwork is made to your specific requirements, I cannot accept returns on any

custom painted items.

I will keep you fully informed throughout the design and painting process, and all custom painted artwork is fully approved by you prior to dispatching, to ensure that you are fully happy with the finished piece.

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